Las Vegas


Gambling, parties, and entertainment

Best of Las Vegas

📍 Las Vegas

Find out everything about Las Vegas. We will help you discover the best things to do, places to go and much more on our NomadSet Guide. Enjoy!

Size: 367.5 km2 (135.9 sq mi)

Average duration of a trip: 4 days

💸 United States Dollar (US)

Las Vegas Interesting Facts

It's the brightest place on Earth

The Las Vegas Strip has around 30 hotels and casinos lining its path, and their enormous signage and neon lights make them the brightest spot on the planet. 

Over 300 Weddings Happen Every Day in Las Vegas

The High Roller is the Tallest Observation Wheel in the World

The MGM Grand is the World’s Largest Hotel

The Bellagio Hotel Holds Two Guinness World Records for its Fountains

There Are More than 150,000 Hotel Rooms in the City

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